Talent that speaks for itself.
Lu Fraser is an up and coming writer of children's picture books. Her early work has received critical acclaim and there are plenty more books in the pipeline.
Lu asked us to put together a website that showcased the various titles, and allowed for more to be added in due course.
Sometimes the work really needs to be given the space to shine. Lu's words are combined with images from some of the UK's finest illustrators.
So the website works to showcase these as effectively as possible.
Lu's logo was created to reflect the personal charm evident in all of her writing. A simple flowing font suggests an uncomplicated yet thoughtful approach.
The website itself includes a page for each book with a link to online book retailers. We were also keen to highlight the many awards that Lu has been nominated for and won.
Lu's latest is about to hit the stores. 'Mavis the Bravest' is about a chicken with a need to discover her inner bravery.
Lu herself needs no such bravery. With many more titles in the pipelines, we might be busily updating the site with new titles for a good few years to come.